Digital counter project

I've decided to work on a new electronics project. My original degree is in Electrical Engineering Technology and it's been a long time since I had a chance to piece together IC's (integrated circuits), printed circuit boards, buttons and displays.

The reason for this project is two-fold: First, I want to show my kids some interesting electronics stuff that they can work on. I bought them a simple snap-together electronics kit a few years ago, which they enjoyed playing with. However, after putting together every project listed in the guide, they grew bored with it. Now that they're a little older, they can take on more challenging projects.

Second, I like to play pickup basketball. One issue that comes up is scoring, so I figure that I can build a pair of these displays and then bring them to wherever I play ball. We always have people waiting on the sideline to play; someone would likely be interested in running the scoreboard.

Ultimately, I plan to use this particular blog as more of an online journal. Schematics, pics, vids, failed attempts (and there will be many) will show up here.

Thanks for stopping by!


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